12 August 2013

Radio 2 Interview

Hello there. So I popped along to Radio 2 today to have a little chat with Paddy O'Connell about my recent online dating shenanigans, particularly Sebastian Pritchard-Jones. If you missed it but wish you hadn't, fear not, you can have a wee listen on iPlayer right here. No donkeys or nudists were harmed during this interview.


  1. You sound very sexy

  2. Starts around 1:08.

  3. I was lucky enough to hear you this morning on the radio and can honestly say I've had similar experiences of women not turning up for dates and when you meet them they have been very dishonest with certain things, You are not alone in the bad times CTS not by a very long way.

    I do have to agree with the comment about your voice though, you have a very luxurious voice.

    Hope you find what you're looking for soon CTS I really do.

    Living in hope,
    Mr Rum.

  4. So I was right about those media appearances then...

    Only radio but still...


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